Featured Review
This is Aldo's blog.
Aldo is a good friend of mine. I just am lucky enough to know him. I am blessed to write for him. If you are hipped to New Orleans and New Orleans culture than you know that there are certain people like Aldo that keep you connected to the culture and community. People like Aldo are the pearls of New Orleans - Louisiana's rarest fines and greatest assests. Folks like Aldo know more than any professor at any university about African American communities and culture, ESPECIALLY as it relates to New Orleans and Louisiana!
It is what it is.
I like Aldo. I like his family. I respect their history. They are cultural legends. I tipped my hat to these folks, collectively, because of their dedication, preservation and talents.
Unfortunately, there are some folks like Aldo who never get their props because the so-called educate folks go into communities with their "studies" and document the culture and end up with the bylines. Say it ain't so? Then they walk out of these communities as if they know EVERY damn thing. Okay, you are "hood rich" for all of five minutes. You come in, gather some ethnic stories and "pretty" photographs for your museum collections, go back make presentations and never really acknowledge the real "workers" This is what people in the community have a problem with. Others, have a problem with the "attitudes" folks bring. They show very little respect to "others."
Nuff said. No! No one in the hood is stupid. Ask the brother on the corner.
Whops. I just gave you a lead. Damn! I shouldn't have said that.
This is why some folks think degrees are overrated. (Common sense is priceless!) Considering the bullshyt university administratiors put individuals through and unnecessary courses, I wholeheartdly agree. (It is a way for institutions to make money. They do it. They get away with it because not enough people complain. Complain. Why the fcuk do we/I need this class. Better yet... Can't I do my degree online. Do you have an online program? Skype me in Scottie?) But degrees are necessary. I have one from an accredited university and am working on a second. It is a necessity. That's how it is in life.
Enjoy the blog.
E-Mail: buckjump@outlook.com Twitter:@BuckJump