Illuminati Victims Experience Telepathic Communications
"Illuminati has anonymously provided interviews with the press. When we ask you all to share our stories, most often we do not reveal our...
Illuminati shares telepathic communications with civilians
"Illuminati members make millions showing individuals how telepathy works," states Robyn Burgess of Burgess Management. "Telepathy has...
Shape shifting and quantum leaping
"Shape shifting is a form of quantum leaping," states Robyn Burgess of Burgess Management. "When objects appear from another terrain, it...
Illuminati crimes against mankind
"Illuminati cannot program any man. Since Illuminati enjoys calling the human race slaves and keeping them in an institution that they...
Illuminati rats hurt human slaves: The biggest hate crime in the history of man
Paranormal expert, Juan Carlos states, "Illuminati has pests on all of their slaves. When they are activated people know that something...
Illuminati victims experiences other life forms
Paranormal expert Juan Carlos states, "Physicians and psychiatrists are doing the community a disservice when Illuminati victims complain...
Illuminati talks
"We feel that because we understand how the human body works and we have access to citizens all over the world that we can do what we...
The human body is robotic
"What citizens need to realize is that they are a form of a robot and the human body has robotic attributes. What is portrayed in...
Illuminati plays silly games with the stupid humans, i.e. slaves
Robyn Burgess of Burgess Management, an Illuminated individual states, "Any citizen who has ever taken a test has been effected by...
How are Illuminati slaves programmed?
"When citizens understand that Illuminated individuals or another human being controls man's bowl moments than people will come into a...