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Illuminati rats hurt human slaves: The biggest hate crime in the history of man

Paranormal expert, Juan Carlos states, "Illuminati has pests on all of their slaves. When they are activated people know that something strange is going on with their bodies. When they report that they can see rats and other life forms on human beings, often they are misdiagnosed and labeled crazy. This creates a problem."

"Most doctors are not familiar with Illuminati hate crimes. Most of the crimes committed involve supernatural powers. Victims should consult scientists or experts on supernatural crimes," states Juan Carlos.

"The human body operates many dimensions and once individuals show a slave that their is another life form on them, the newly illuminated slave does not know how to get the rats off of their person.

"The Illuminati rat and other pests harm citizens bodies. The rodent can burn, sting or make the victim itch. Individuals who throw the rats on their slaves often tell the victims that they do not care what happens to them. Some encourage the victims to commit suicide, Juan Carlos continues.

Juan Carlos continues, "The illuminati rat experience is one of the biggest hate crimes ever committed to the human race, in addition to Illuminati denying humans full access to their bodies."

"When Illuminati members inject human feces and urine into victim's mouths, that too is disgusting!, states Juan Carlos.

"There are individuals who know how to clean the human body who despise what Illuminati does to ordinary citizens, who cannot defend themselves against some sick Illuminati members," Juan Carlos continues.

"The biggest hate crime ever committed in the history of man is being denied knowledge of who they are. Men come from supernatural deities and possess supernatural powers. Why is it that only Illuminati has full access to the human body?," state Juan Carlos.

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