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Illuminati victims experiences other life forms

Paranormal expert Juan Carlos states, "Physicians and psychiatrists are doing the community a disservice when Illuminati victims complain about rats on their body. First, most physicians do not believe the victims because they cannot see. Second, they lack the understanding of supernatural powers. Most importantly, individuals in the medical field know very little about Illuminati and their powers, which are very real.

"In my humble opinion, any patient, who has reported an Illuminati hate crime or witnessed any supernatural power to a physician and has been misdiagnosed should sue. These individuals who lack knowledge on supernatural powers create more problems to mankind because some of the patients are accurately reporting real accounts of other life forms that they can see, hear, feel and touch," states Juan Carlos.

Juan Carlos continues, "the human body operates on many dimensions. I don't give a damn how many years a doctor studies medicine, they still are not taught this. They are very miseducated. "

"When patients report that they can see on another dimension, what is weird with that experience. In my opinion, some of the doctors are jealous that they cannot see. The patients experience is very real.," states Juan Carlos.

Juan Carlos continues, "When they say they see and feel another life form on their body, they are stating that their is a form that is superior to the human race that has taken possession of their bodies. Of course, it is Illuminati playing their silly games. When Illuminati members accelerate brain wave activity, humans can see on another dimension on this same plane. It is a form of quantum leaping that the victim experiences."

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