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Illuminati emancipates prisoners

Members of Illuminati confess the truth after years of secrecy that every crime

ever committed by man was actually created by Illuminati cult members who program men. There is no free will. All men are objects and are Illuminati slaves.

One of the organizations biggest secrets is that man lives with no sin.

Illuminati members call men humanoids or droids.

The human body operates on multidimensions and can access a multitude of planes.

Every crime every committed by men in American history and world history was committed by Illuminati members who play a game called mixed-doubles.

When we think about the impact of this testimony, it is emancipating. The confession comes from Illuminati members, who say, "They do not give a damn who finds out this factual information. It is true. We doubt anyone will believe it. If they believe it than they are in for a rude awakening."

Illuminati members possess supernatural powers and are able to program humans using radio wave frequency. Laymen are programmed to use only 10 percent of the brain, Illuminati uses 100 percent of the brain. When an individual can use 100 percent of the brain, the human body is able to miraculous things, such as shape shifting and holding parasites, similar to what we see on Batman and Spider-man.

"The world is full of documentation of what we do. Telepathy existed since the beginning of time. If you can hear yourself think, that is one form of one-way telepathy," stated an anonymous Illuminati member. ".When we show subjects how telepathy works, we change the voice patterns and only use one-way communication. Doctors often misdiagnose patients when they say they hear voices. It is true, we send people to psychiatric clinics to be observed. We apologize for our behavior, but we like to see how people who are not enlightened respond to our programming and patients.

We also control all dreams... All dreams come from us."

I recently discovered that I was a slave on Terence Blanchard/Robyn Burgess plantation. I hope to buy my freedom and come into illumination, with no penalaties.

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