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Illuminati members terrorizes victims with mixed-doubles game

Illuminati cult members terrorize citizens by playing a mixed-double game, where they use a form of one-way telepathy and talk into the victim's brain waves. Once Illuminati changes the victim's voice pattern, he or she is able to recognize that they hear a voice different from theirs.

Illuminati members have access to telepathy which is revolutionary to modern man. When they train other cult members or do unethical testing, they victimize citizens.

"Illuminati members laugh at the response they get from their victims because they are playing a game with their blind, deaf, and dumb slaves who are only programmed to use ten percent of their brain", states Juan Carlos of Puerto Rico.

Juan Carlos continues, "People have complained for years about hearing voices. It is true. Individuals have knowledge most doctors lack. Illuminati knows how to access people's brain wave activity. It is Illuminati who programs people. Anyone who is familiar with their activity can testify to that. People are programmed. Illuminati programmers controls all brain wave activity of citizens all over the world, which includes speech, body movement, sight, and what you hear. Some people refer to Illuminati members as Gods because they possess supernatural powers. They give their slaves some gifts in life. There is a mix between good and evil."

Juan Carlos continues, "When members of Illuminati use voice patterns a victim is familiar with in their game, it is a form of terror. Some victims are often terrorized by a variety of sound patterns that Illuminati play into their brain wave activity."

"The ghost from your past game is very juvenile, but psychological traumatizing. Illuminati members chant the names of people a victim is familiar with over and over again into their brainwave. Some members hire models and say, "Does this look like such and such." It is only added testimony that Illuminati has unauthorized access to human bodies, which is criminal. It also states that not only is the victim being terrorized, but the individual who they are calling out is experiencing an Illuminati ordeal", Juan Carlos, stated.

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