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Cult crimes: Not just Illuminati

"It is not just the notorious group known as Illuminati that accesses people's brain wave activities and terrorizes citizens", states a paranormal expert, Juan Carlos of San Juan, Puerto Rico. "Throughout history groups like the Skulls and Bones Gang have terrorized masses with rats and other parasites by accessing citizens bodies on another plane. Unfortunately, people do not realize their bodies are multidimensional and that they have the ability to reproduce with animals and other life forms. It sounds scary, but it is true."

Juan Carlos, continues, "White men give people away as pets. Throughout history, they have had plantations on another tier, unbeknownst to modern man. Man uses man as a slave when they illegally access their bodies. People who are not Illuminati are programmed and are called slaves. It is a huge problem, worldwide."

"When individuals complain about any cruelties that take place once 'their asses are popped open,' they are considered crazy and often institutionalized. What most citizens do not know is that they are "programmed" to only use ten percent of their brain power. What happens to the other 90 percent and who has access to their bodies?", states Juan Carlos.

The so-called crazy people have provided adequate evidence for the courts, but those who have the power, do not allow individuals to sue. It is part of the mixed-double game. They have to program their slaves to sue institutions and individuals who have violated their bodies. Even using ten percent of a slave's brainpower, the slave can pursue Illuminati programmers and others in courts, stated Juan Carlos.

Juan Carlos continues, "Illuminati and other groups are very sophisticated. If they are throwing rodents and other pests onto their slaves, it tells you that they mean business. They are operating a very high-level plantation this is why they keep their plantation jigaboos of all colors enslaved."

"Any man who can control another's mans entire life from beginning to end is one powerful son of a bitch. These people never feel threatened because of their powers. People do not realize that their entire lives are predetermined by Illuminati and other groups who have access to their bodies. Individuals need to ask why they are slaves and why are they only allowed to use ten percent of their brain? Why are Illuminati children able to program adults and why do they program adults to commit crimes?," states Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos asks, "Will Illuminati ever be challenged?"

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