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Illuminati lab rats

The notorious Illuminati group possess supernatural powers and operates a slave plantation unknown to most men, who they program to use only ten percent or less of their brain. When citizens discover that they are enslaved and programmed by a terrorist group who rapes them and throws rats and other pests on their bodies and food, they wonder who in law enforcement they can turn to.

The power organization, Illuminati has slaves all over the world and laugh at members of society who hold financial wealth, who are unaware of their presence in their daily lives.

"Our wealthiest slaves are programmed to be wealthy, just as our poorest slaves," states one anonymous Illuminati member. Both slaves are programmed to walk, talk, eat, sleep, etcetera. What they do not know is that they are programmed. Sometimes, we tell them at death or on their way over to the other side. At that point, we may inform them that we have extracted their DNA and have created other life forms. If we show them how we do it, they believe us. When we do not show them how we steal their DNA and reproduce other life forms, most doubt our supernatural abilities. "

One anonymous Illuminati member, continues, "Yes. It is true that we put rodents in the mouths of man in the United States and other places. The pests defy gravity and because most men are not using 100 percent of their brain, due to us, they can't see what we place in their mouths and bodies... We put rats on men, women and children all day, everyday. We are ruthless business men and businesswomen."

One anonymous Illuminati member, "Our little 'jenny bytch' was hand picked to report some of our crimes. We hope to emancipate some of our slaves, but we will never give you 'punk-pussy-bytches' access to 100 percent of your brain powers. If that were to happen, you would be able to outsmart us."

"We feel that is we control the weather and all life forms, that your government should inform you on who we are and our presence here. If we tell you what has taken place in your lifetime and how we were able to exploit you, you will be traumatized. The history of man as you know it from history books and archeology is fake... Your body has supernatural powers. A man can have a baby and it can be pulled out of his ear, eye, mouth or rectum with no problem. You can fly. Your body is revolutionary and worth billions. That is why we rape you around the clock.

Note: Theresa Crushshon is programmed by Terence Blanchard and Robyn Burgess of Burgess Management. We are considering emancipating her and her dynasty, because the bytch is hood-rich. Do you know what that means? - mixed-double."

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