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Dreams are courtesy of Illuminati, so are the abilities to read and speak

"When Illuminati use other people's voices to intimidate victims, it means that they have access to individual's bodies related to the victim. Illuminati plays back prerecorded voice patterns of friends and family members to individuals they are terrorizing. Often the victim is so terrorized by hearing 'voices from the past' that they cannot put the simulated voice pattern into the correct time frame", states Juan Carlos, a specialist from San Juan, Puerto Rico, in paranormal activity and hate crimes.

"People who hear voices are not crazy. It is Illuminati playing games with an individual or the so-called Illuminati slave," states Juan Carlos.

Juan Carlos continues, "Illuminati members will play pre-recorded voices into the victim's brainwave activities. Yes. It can be done. And, it is done all of the time. For those of us who specialize in telepathy, we are well-educated in this form of communication and people who hear voices in their head are not crazy, but are being victimized by individuals who are 'illuminated' and it is not just Illuminati members who utilized this form of communication."

"Anyone who has ever had a dream, it was courtesy of Illuminati. Is a doctor going to say that a dream is not real? Did the dream have motion? If it did, Illuminati was being gracious," states Juan Carlos.

"Children of Illuminati can program a citizen/ a human being or an Illuminati slave. Illuminati children are highly intelligent individuals. When their parents give them slaves/ real human beings as pets or property, they regard them as an object. (Illuminati) Slavery never ended. This is what some people know. Some Illuminati members or those who are illuminated are insensitive to their slaves/citizens and create a load of problems for the community to deal with", states Juan Carlos.

"One problem Illuminati programmers created is Ebonics or hood language. It is a hoot for white women to program African Americans to speak improperly. They speak more niggardly than their slaves", states one anonymous Illuminati member.

The anonymous Illuminati programmer continues, "Conquer and divide. If you take a look at society, you will notice that Illuminati programmers intentionally allow white masses access to an education. It is a deterrence. DNA from the African American community is worth more and this is what is being extracted from the human body illuminati-style. Look what the Illuminati programmers did to Henrietta Lacks".

"Unfortunately physicians are not familiar with telepathy, but they are able to read. Physicians cannot program themselves. It is because of Illuminati that they are doctor's. Illuminati programmed their entire lives. It's too bad physicians spend so much money to be miseducated by Western ideologies. They should ask Illuminati to illuminati them in a positive way or find out how telepathy works, so that they will stop misdiagnosing their patients... That is the problem. They are unaware a variety means of communication", states Juan Carlos.

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