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Illuminati Ebonics is business as usual

"You-should-say-some-thing-to-these-pe-o-ple-a-bout-how-they-talk-in-to-your-head", states Juan Carlos. This is just one way Illuminati members talk into the heads of victims. They use Ebonics and all kinds of jibberish talk to drive an individual crazy, in addition to throwing pests onto their bodies on another tier, where most citizens who do not have their third eye open cannot see," states Juan Carlos, an Illuminati hate crime expert."

"The hater teams that Illuminati members put together use Illuminati ebonics to terrorize individuals. Rich white people break every syllable and purposely break verbs or use racial slurs as they use telepathic communications and talk directly into an individual's brainwave activity in the name of fun," states Juan Carlos.

"When I witnessed on so-called health study or outright attack on a US citizens utilizing these methods, I was flabbergasted. This is when I discovered that Illuminati creates divisions in society all over the world based on how people talk. Illuminati programs human beings to talk... and everything else they do in life. When they program people to say the wrong things to a loved one or to curse their boss out or to say the wrong things in court, it is a hoot for the Illuminati team", states Juan Carlos.

"Why does an elder forget the name of their son or daughter or call a relative or neighbor by the wrong name? It's Illuminati playing a game or programming their slave", Juan Carlos continues.

Juan Carlos continues, "Illuminati members redefine crazy. They are crazy. In fact, they write the book!"

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