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Hate crimes: Illuminati targets the poor

Juan Carlos asks, Why does Illuminati make people in the African American community, especially men, stupid?"

"Illuminati creates a power struggle with families, communities and society as a whole and when they target poor and people of color, it is to serve as a delusion to the rape of the human body," states Juan Carlos.

"White women and white men are programmed to be idolized in this world. Everyone else uses them as a role model. This is how the old plantation and new plantation is ordered," states Juan Carlos.

"White men are normally programmed to be educated, in a relationship and have a job, whereas people of color are programmed to struggle," states Juan Carlos.

"The programmers follow paradigms to program the human body. Regardless of color, all citizens are being victimized by Illuminati and are on a plantation they cannot see," states Juan Carlos.

"African American men are appealing to Illuminati and have been since the beginning of time. Once isolated, they are easy to control. This is why Illuminati programs them to be criminals and dysfunctional," states Juan Carlos.

"When a man grabs his crotch, unknown to him, he is touching and pulling off an Illuminati rat(s), continues Juan Carlos.

"When any woman or child, regardless of color, touches their hair, Illuminati has them touching Illuminati rodents," states Juan Carlos.

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