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Illuminati rules the world

"When victims of Illuminati complain about real rodents being placed onto their bodies, it is actually happening, states Juan Carlos of San Juan Puerto Rico.

In the name of fun, Illuminati places the pests onto citizens. Because people cannot see on a higher dimension, they are unaware that the rodents are on their bodies. This is why Illuminati call citizens slaves," Juan Carlos continues.

"When you think about what is taking place on the dimensions," states Juan Carlos, "it is a form of quantum leaping and quantum physics. The victims, clearly, are not crazy. The acts they see and experience are real. The problem is that they are 'programmed' to see on a 'higher' dimension, which is remarkable."

Juan Carlos continues, "Problems occur when citizens are programmed to see bad things or objects they have never experienced. Programmers control all human emotions and control the victims response(s). Some victims report how they see the most gruesome creatures and they are not afraid. Others report how they see creatures and the programed response is overrated."

"In the end, it is all Illuminati," Juan Carlos continues. "Not only do they rock the world, Illuminati rules the world. When people come into this realization, they will want to see what is really going on."

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